I have a container running Turnkey linux fileserver. Its been running for a few years now. I am running samba on it and today when i tried to mount the drive it failed. It gave a message about default version update to 2.1. So i ran some updates and rebooted. now the container will not start.
100.conf file
root@pve:~# pct start 100
run_buffer: 314 Script exited with status 1
lxc_init: 798 Failed to run lxc.hook.pre-start for container "100"
__lxc_start: 1945 Failed to initialize container "100"
startup for container '100' failed
100.conf file
root@pve:/etc/pve/lxc# cat 100.conf
arch: amd64
cores: 1
hostname: nas
memory: 512
mp0: rz6TB:subvol-100-disk-1,mp=/mnt/smbshare,backup=1,size=4000G
net0: name=eth0,bridge=vmbr0,firewall=1,gw=,hwaddr=66:54:EF:D2:F6:04,ip=,ip6=dhcp,type=veth
onboot: 0
ostype: debian
rootfs: rz6TB:subvol-100-disk-0,size=8G
swap: 512
lxc.cgroup.devices.allow: c 189:* rwm
lxc.mount.entry: /dev/bus/usb/001/003 dev/bus/usb/001/003 none bind,optional,create=file