I have a CT that mounts an external HDD @ /mnt/external-hdd which works.
root@pve:~# cat /etc/pve/lxc/1018.conf
arch: amd64
cpulimit: 1
cpuunits: 1024
hostname: media
memory: 512
mp0: /dev/sdc1,mp=/mnt/external-hdd
net0: bridge=vmbr1,hwaddr=32:63:62:63:37:37,ip=dhcp,name=eth0,type=veth
ostype: ubuntu
rootfs: virtual-machines:vm-1018-disk-1,size=8G
searchdomain: ad.mydomain.com
swap: 512
root@pve:~# pct start 1018
root@pve:~# pct enter 1018
root@media:~# ls -l /mnt
total 696
dr-x------ 1 root root 712704 Aug 29 2015 external-hdd
The CT runs a plex media server which works however is unable to access the contents of the external hdd due to permissions:
root@media:~# id plex
uid=105(plex) gid=112(plex) groups=112(plex)
What is the best way to resolve this so that the user "plex" can access the contents of the external hdd?
root@pve:~# cat /etc/pve/lxc/1018.conf
arch: amd64
cpulimit: 1
cpuunits: 1024
hostname: media
memory: 512
mp0: /dev/sdc1,mp=/mnt/external-hdd
net0: bridge=vmbr1,hwaddr=32:63:62:63:37:37,ip=dhcp,name=eth0,type=veth
ostype: ubuntu
rootfs: virtual-machines:vm-1018-disk-1,size=8G
searchdomain: ad.mydomain.com
swap: 512
root@pve:~# pct start 1018
root@pve:~# pct enter 1018
root@media:~# ls -l /mnt
total 696
dr-x------ 1 root root 712704 Aug 29 2015 external-hdd
The CT runs a plex media server which works however is unable to access the contents of the external hdd due to permissions:
root@media:~# id plex
uid=105(plex) gid=112(plex) groups=112(plex)
What is the best way to resolve this so that the user "plex" can access the contents of the external hdd?