Constructive criticism of change

[QUOTE = "guletz, post: 301363, membro: 45636"]

Na minha opinião, qualquer tipo de documentação na forma de um filme não é útil, porque:

você não pode usar copiar / colar

se você quiser voltar ... você deve mover o controle deslizante para trás, a que minuto? e depois seguir em frente -> uma perda de tempo

você não pode pesquisar em um filme (usando a palavra-chave)

alguns usuários não conseguem entender muito bem o inglês (como eu) ou não (mas usando um texto eles podem usar o google translate).

Meus 2 centavos :)
Muitas pessoas estão migrando, devido à falta de casos de uso reais e à proposta de instalação (onde está) que foi proposta desde o início do projeto (suporte pago) é a única coisa que você sabe dizer.
Isso seria bom e saudável e funcionaria como marketing.
Toda plataforma de stream possui legendas automáticas que podem ser úteis para os usuários.
meus dois centavos: p
So many people are migrating, due to the lack of real use cases and the facility proposal (where it is) that has been proposed since the beginning of the project (Pay support) is the only thing you know how to say.
That would be good healthy and would work as marketing.
Every stream platform has automatic subtitles that can be useful for users
If you don't believe it, take a poll and see what users prefer.
[QUOTE = "oguz, post: 301334, membro: 63681"]
o que não funciona exatamente? com qual etapa você está tendo problemas? você pode por favor elaborar?
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(Pay support) is the only thing you know how to say.

I do not have a pay support :) But you must realize that without users who pay the Proxmox can not exist.

About automatic subtitles ... I never see how will look like a nginx(or whatever) config subtitles ; )

I can not make any pool on this forum, but maybe your ideea could be take in account by the Proxmox stuff.

Good luck / Bafta !
I do not have a pay support :) But you must realize that without users who pay the Proxmox can not exist.

About automatic subtitles ... I never see how will look like a nginx(or whatever) config subtitles ; )

I can not make any pool on this forum, but maybe your ideea could be take in account by the Proxmox stuff.

Good luck / Bafta !
Renowned member, I'm not here to fight or say nonsense, I'm passing on my point of view and that of some others who don't have the courage to say what they think for fear of being excluded or misinterpreted by people like you.# Change already

I think that most of the PMX users are not stupid(me and you included). Nobody want to fight... this is not a place of war(at least for me). I can say that you have show your point of view(with courage like you say) and I do the same. I do not think I do not make mistakes .... but to say that I am capable to excluded is far to much.

Anyway, in my country we have a sentence, like this: if you think you can do better prove it. Why do you not create a new nice documentation(video or whatever) and show as that this is better. Be constructive as you say. I can promise that I can help you if you want. I will be the first person who will support you for this and I will say "I was wrong ....". I have say this in many ocasions, including on this forum. One simple suggestion if you do not mind, use your uppset to bild something, not to destroy the work of others, because life is too short ;)

Be happy!