Since pve v5, I've struggled with getting a usable video resolution on the proxmox console. Especially with servers that have VGA output, proxmox tends to default to the highest possibly supported resolution, often leaving the KVM or rack-mounted-VGA out of range.
Up to this point, I've been able to use the following GRUB settings to force to a lower resolution.
However, I've added a couple of NUCs to my lab cluster, and I want to use their iGPU. NoModeSet breaks GVT, which takes me back to unsupported resolutions. It's frustrating to watch the machine boot. It respects the 800x600 till about 3/4ths of the way through the boot, then changes to an unsupported resolution.
So... what's the RIGHT way to force 800x600 without breaking GPU acceleration?
Up to this point, I've been able to use the following GRUB settings to force to a lower resolution.
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="gfxpayload=text nomodeset"
However, I've added a couple of NUCs to my lab cluster, and I want to use their iGPU. NoModeSet breaks GVT, which takes me back to unsupported resolutions. It's frustrating to watch the machine boot. It respects the 800x600 till about 3/4ths of the way through the boot, then changes to an unsupported resolution.
So... what's the RIGHT way to force 800x600 without breaking GPU acceleration?
root@pve11:~# for p in /sys/class/drm/*/status; do con=${p%/status}; echo -n "${con#*/card?-}: "; cat $p; done
DP-1: connected
DP-2: disconnected
DP-3: disconnected
HDMI-A-1: disconnected
HDMI-A-2: disconnected
root@pve11:~# cat /sys/class/graphics/fb0/modes
apt -y install fbset
root@pve11:/etc# fbset 800x600-60
root@pve11:/etc# fbset
mode "800x600"
geometry 800 600 1920 1080 32
timings 0 88 40 23 1 128 4
hsync high
vsync high
accel true
rgba 8/16,8/8,8/0,0/0
doesn't work -- investigate EFIFB?
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