Configuration WIFI and Ethernet


New Member
Apr 28, 2024
Hello, I have installed Debian 12 with a graphical interface on a Lenovo computer on which proxmox is installed.
I would like the switch to the wifi connection to be made automatically on the PC if the RJ45 starts to malfunction in order to have remote access. I can't configure the /etc/network/interfaces file, each time I allow the whole connection.

Can someone please help me?
Most of the graphical desktops have built-in tools to configure wifi. However, most of them manage it using an automatic system like Network Manager rather than /etc/network/interfaces. They generally do avoid trying to manage interfaces configured in /etc/network/interfaces though so you can set it up manually if you want to.

The problem you are going to have with this fallback plan is that WiFi does not support bridging. So you can't use it with the default vmbr0 bridge setup to access your virtual machines, it will only work for the host. To give VM's access over WiFi you must set up NAT + port forwarding per the PVE manual. And doing that with 2 IP's on the same subnet is going to be tricky.
The wifi would only be used to connect to the PC itself (not proxmox) to reboot the PC and restart everything.

Does xcp-ng do this?
Promox est installé sur un PC exécutant Debian 12 avec une interface utilisateur graphique. Le PC est compatible WIFI et Ethernet.
Le WIFI n'est pas utilisable pour Proxmox.
J'ai installé un logiciel de contrôle à distance pour intervenir au cas où, donc si pour une raison quelconque l'Ethernet ne fonctionne pas, j'aimerais qu'il bascule la connexion du PC en wifi, comme le fait Windows 10 par exemple.
I don't know how to make this work. You can set up WiFi using the graphical desktop. SSH should already be on there. But I don't know how to make it do this fallback automatically without some fairly complex setup. You can't just have two IP addresses.

Reason is with Linux the IP addresses are owned by the kernel as a whole, not by the interfaces. If you have two IP on the same subnet (e.g. and, it is not predictable which one the kernel will use unless one of them is physically down (no-carrier or similar). If your WiFi and wired are on different subnets then it can work.

This is not specific to Proxmox.

If Windows 10 does what you want, why not use that?
Sans le script, la bascule automatique entre le wifi et l'ethernet fonctionne correctement à une condition, que l'interface vmbr0, correspondant à l'interface virtuelle de proxmox soit configurée dans /etc/network/interfaces
Most of the graphical desktops have built-in tools to configure wifi. However, most of them manage it using an automatic system like Network Manager rather than /etc/network/interfaces. They generally do avoid trying to manage interfaces configured in /etc/network/interfaces though so you can set it up manually if you want to.

The problem you are going to have with this fallback plan is that WiFi does not support bridging. So you can't use it with the default vmbr0 bridge setup to access your virtual machines, it will only work for the host. To give VM's access over WiFi you must set up NAT + port forwarding per the PVE manual. And doing that with 2 IP's on the same subnet is going to be tricky.
Hi. Sorry to borrow the thread for a bit. I have the following situation. I bricked my pve install and now I have to start-over again. I installed pve, and currently have access to it on the GUI. I am unable to travel to the server location for a week.
The mobo I have also has wifi, but when I set up pve, I checked the rj45 as net interface. I have to create a VM for TrueNAS, and pass-through the HBA to it. I know for sure that when I do this, the pci-e adresses change, enpXs0 becomes enpYs0.
Can I set-up the wi-fi so that I can keep access to the pve over the network and then be able to modify the /etc/network/interfaces?
Can I set-up the wi-fi so that I can keep access to the pve over the network and then be able to modify the /etc/network/interfaces?

PVE is Debian so you should be able to follow the steps in the Debian wiki section on ifupdown and wpasupplicant. You should probably configure a different IP address for the wifi. There is no need to tie it to a bridge or set up NAT if you only want to use it for host access.