Config issues

Keith Miller

Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2018
Phoenix, AZ
Personal use:
I have a Dell R610 with 96Gig of Ram, (2) processors and 2 1tb drives config'ed as RAID 0 with iperc6
Running ProxMox 5.3-1

I need to extend the local (Geekscove) partition how can this be done without loosing data



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I want to extend (Make larger) the the storage location local (Geekscove) it is now at 99% used with those 3 iso;s using it no room for other iso to be added if I wanted to

You will need to ascertain how much available space you have available first. Type pvs in PVE root shell and it should tell you.

Found this article which explains the gist of what you need to do. Extend root filesystem using LVM

If you can wait a bit for others(read: senior PVE users) to chime in I strongly advise it.

Also, back up your VMs before proceeding as a failover.

Please also post the output of lvs. The local storage is the one that PVE itself is on, so you have limited space available, but you could give the volume more space. You have 16 GB left.