After doing a simple `apt-get upgrade` on my older pve 3.4, it didn't come back online due to a kernel panic (can't find /etc/zfs/zfs-functions). Not the end of the world I thought, let's use the opportunity and upgrade to 4.2. After a clean install (again zfs raid 1) and some zpool-hassle, I copied the config.db to the new /var/lib/pve-cluster and expected, that the configuration would be restored on next boot.
Instead I got a 'database malformatted' error for the pve-cluster.service.
Is it possible that 3.4 and 4.2 config.db's are incompatible, or is there a corruption? Thanks!
Instead I got a 'database malformatted' error for the pve-cluster.service.
Is it possible that 3.4 and 4.2 config.db's are incompatible, or is there a corruption? Thanks!