Here the results of the new three tests:
(t1): backup via PBS:
vzdump 105 --notes-template '{{guestname}}' --node pvesrv1 --remove 0 --storage pbs-var-lib-vz --mode stop
(t2): backup via local storage, ZSTD compression:
vzdump 105 --storage local --compress zstd --node pvesrv1 --notes-template '{{guestname}}' --remove 0 --mode stop
(t3): backup via local storage, no compression:
vzdump 105 --mode stop --storage local --notes-template '{{guestname}}' --compress 0 --node pvesrv1 --remove 0
(t1) average speed 195MB/sec (see backup-pbs-full-stopmode.log)
(t2) average speed 230MB/sec (see backup-local-zst-compression-full-stopmode.log)
(t3) average speed 860MB/sec (see backup-local-no-compression-full-stopmode.log)
I want you to know in advance that before each test I explicitly deleted the datastore and issued the command "rm -rf /var/lib/vz". So I really do not know why the statement "backup was done incrementally" is in the backup log of PBS.
First PBS backup is slower than vzdump not only because compression but, imo, mainly because data at destination isn't saved "sequentially".
Data is written into half a million files of 2MB-4MB into 65536 subfolders of .chunks.
Outside the .chunk folder, there is only the mandatory index to define used chunks by each backup.
Yes, as mentioned before, surely PBS introduces additional features (on top of compression) than vzdump: that should justify the 15% difference between (t1) and (t2), but in any case (t1) and (t2) are of the same order of magnitude.
However, I think it is evident that the difference between (t1 or t2) with (t3) can be only due to the compression feature, which hurts my old CPU, quite surely negligeable with more modern and powerful CPUs. That's why the option to disable compression could be appreciated by who, like me, has older CPUs which could achieve in any case higher speed without the compression.