Complete new setup


Active Member
Nov 11, 2019
Good day all.

I want to do a completely new setup.

I have never used this software before and I would really appreciate guidance to understand how proxmox works.

If someone who knows the software well enough would be willing to spare a minute to advise I would be most grateful.

1) Are the number of virtual cores I can sell to customers, equal to the CPU threads? so a 8 core cpu with 16 threads will allow me to sell 16 vcores?
2) If I build 1 server with 16 cores and 128gb of ram and 2tb of disk space (raid 5) set up in seph , can I convert it into a cluster later by adding another server? Or will that require an entire new setup? Can I grow from 1 server to a 5 server high availability cluster by simply adding more servers to it?
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1) It is perfectly safe if the overall number of cores of all your VMs is greater than the number of cores on the server (e.g., 4 VMs with each 4 cores on a machine with only 8 cores). Please read here.
2) Ceph's and our documentation should be interesting.

I have never used this software before and I would really appreciate guidance to understand how proxmox works.

In this case I'd recommend to install PVE on a machine that you already have and experiment with it. You will need one test machine later on anyways.
Is it possible to add hosts to a cluster starting with just one server? Or is it not supported? (Do I need to start with a cluster from the get-go ? )
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