Comments on backup file


May 26, 2020
Is there any way to put comment onto backup files. By default name of backup is vm-102-disk-0.qcow2, and if I delete original image (ex centos) and put totally different with same ID also backup name will be vm-102-disk-0.qcow2 (ubuntu).

After some time there is no was to make difference between old vm-102-disk-0.qcow2 (centos) and new one vm-102-disk-0.qcow2 (ubuntu).
I think this thread belongs to the Proxmox VE forums (and will move it there)

Not quite sure if I understand the request right - since
looks like a disk-image and not like a backup filename (backups for qemu-vms have a vma.zst (or vma.lzo..) extension)

As for the question - one probably sensible workaround is to set a 'note' on the guest itself - you can view the node-config by selecting a backup in the storage view and then clicking on 'Show Configuration' - there you'll see the note

I hope this helps!