command '/usr/bin/pmg-log-tracker -v -l 2000 -s 1702978800 -e 1703026800 -n -g' failed: got timeout (500)

Nelson Ramos

New Member
Dec 19, 2023
Óá a todos.

Etou a ter este problema desde o dia de hoje.

Já reiniciei o postfix e o rsyslog mas sem sucesso, alguém pode me dar uma ajuda.

Abaixo está a imagem do erro quando tento visualizar o centro de rastreamento.

please write your posts in english, otherwise it's hard to help

i guess you want to know what the problem with the timeout is. most likely is that the log tracker takes too long to process the syslog, maybe the disks or the cpu are too slow
have you tried using more filters ? what is the underlying storage/cpu/etc. ?