Cluster sync failed (SSL certificate error)


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2018
on the node we get the following error (administration interface) when trying to go on some configuration sites (Mailfilter, Configuration):

tls_process_server_certificate: certificate verify failed (596)

What we have changed: we changed the HTTPS-certificate (pmg-api.pem). Put in our own as described in the manual and is working.

Log slave:
Jan 29 08:38:07 pmgmirror[4232]: starting cluster syncronization
Jan 29 08:38:07 pmgmirror[4232]: fingerprint: ...
Jan 29 08:38:07 pmgmirror[4232]: database sync ' ***' failed - 500 Can't connect to (certificate verify failed)
Jan 29 08:38:07 pmgmirror[4232]: cluster syncronization finished (1 errors, 0.32 seconds (files 0.00, database 0.19, config 0.14))

Log master:
Jan 29 08:47:26 pmgmirror[27048]: database sync ' ***' failed - DBD::Pg::st execute failed: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "localstat_time_key"#012DETAIL: Key ("time")=(1517202000) already exists. at /usr/share/perl5/PMG/ line 751.

It is a wildcard - certificate from COMODO. Webinterfaces working well (SSL secured) without any errors.


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If you change the certificate when nodes are part of the cluster, you need to update the certificate fingerprint in /etc/pmg/cluster.conf.

To query the fingerprint use

# openssl x509 -in /etc/pmg/pmg-api.pem -noout -fingerprint -sha256
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Log master:
Jan 29 08:47:26 pmgmirror[27048]: database sync ' ***' failed - DBD::pg::st execute failed: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "localstat_time_key"#012DETAIL: Key ("time")=(1517202000) already exists. at /usr/share/perl5/PMG/ line 751.

This specific problem should be fixed with the latest updates.
Thanks for the answer. Just to be sure: will a change of the fingerprint solve the problem or doesnt it help and I have to wait for the update? Are this two different errors or do they depend on each other and only changing the fingerprint will not help with this version?


you do not have to wait for the update, just install it via GUI.

I assume you already configured your update repositories correctly or you even purchased a support key?