Cluster Question - Cluster Creation


Feb 11, 2020
I have an idea and want a quick answer.

Has anyone tried taken a node that was formerly removed from a cluster then create a new cluster with it?

Example: first_cluster

Let's say I remove node 5 and now the cluster not working at all or won't allow to add it back in.
How about node 5 create a new cluster, then remove all nodes from the old cluster and add it
to the new cluster?

now I would have:
Example: second_cluster

To me this be a good way to clear out old configuration issue at the same time.

Let's say I remove node 5 and now the cluster not working at all or won't allow to add it back in.
How about node 5 create a new cluster, then remove all nodes from the old cluster and add it
to the new cluster?

Instead, I would try to find out whats wrong with that cluster and then fix it.
Instead, I would try to find out whats wrong with that cluster and then fix it.

That not what I am looking for and you know it. The point is to have another direction
other than sorry just rebuild it again. Too much at risk to do that. So if you had no choice
then could the scenario I describe work?
Nodes should be empty when adding to a new cluster. So it works if you reinstall the nodes before adding them to the new cluster.
Nodes should be empty when adding to a new cluster. So it works if you reinstall the nodes before adding them to the new cluster.
Yes that normally the case, but this is a 5 node cluster which is brain dead thinks it's stand alone.
That my problem now, I thought this be a way to take a node that no longer in a cluster and create a new one and
remove from old and put into the new.
I finally got it working but after adding my new node it stop working.
I am not having a good time and getting behind on a lot of work.
I got it working by cleaning up host10 and cleaning up corosync.
To say the least this is most frustrating cluster I have EVER had the pleasure of dealing with.
Nodes should be empty when adding to a new cluster. So it works if you reinstall the nodes before adding them to the new cluster.
You still miss my point totally why would I want to re-install and entire cluster? Really think about it. I understand what your saying just that it won't work, Real clusters such as Red Hat, VCS, Sun Cluster, HP Cluster do NOT have this issue. But they are not virtualized either. But neither does ESX (VMWare)..