Followed this video: is almost always a way to solve a problem, except death and taxes.
That said, you need to provide much more information. Off the top of my head:
- version of pve
- how was VM created?
-- manually?
-- from cloud image? which one?
- what type of cloudinit used if any?
- did you program the VM with ssh key? how did you do it?
- how are you logging in ? what username are you using?
- what are your expectations? should ssh key be working? do you expect password authentication?
- what does "cloned" mean?
- have you examined any logs? did you do any troubleshooting?
I suspect you are probably realizing that the error message you provided is extremely generic.
Blockbridge : Ultra low latency all-NVME shared storage for Proxmox -
There is almost always a way to solve a problem, except death and taxes.
That said, you need to provide much more information. Off the top of my head:
- version of pve
- how was VM created?
-- manually?
-- from cloud image? which one?
- what type of cloudinit used if any?
- did you program the VM with ssh key? how did you do it?
- how are you logging in ? what username are you using?
- what are your expectations? should ssh key be working? do you expect password authentication?
- what does "cloned" mean?
- have you examined any logs? did you do any troubleshooting?
I suspect you are probably realizing that the error message you provided is extremely generic.
Blockbridge : Ultra low latency all-NVME shared storage for Proxmox -
There are a few different ways to "setup an ubuntu cloud template", some are not correct.- how was VM created?: I setup a ubuntu cloud template and I cloned it from the template
A specific link would help to confirm that you grabbed the right image.-- from cloud image? which one?: latest ubuntu cloud image
There is a built in one (native PVE) and custom one. Given that you didnt know, I am going to presume it was built-in.- what type of cloudinit used if any?: Idk
An output of "qm config [vmid]" could be helpful to clarify what you did.- how are you logging in ? what username are you using?: my own username I setup via ubuntu cloud. @jhmc93 . I did not have the time to watch the video. I presume that if someone took time to record 20min video with 30K views, then the procedure worked for them.
We use cloud images multiple times a day, including just now with only username/password (no ssh) and it worked fine for us.
In short, the issue you have is very likely not PVE related.
There are a few different ways to "setup an ubuntu cloud template", some are not correct.
A specific link would help to confirm that you grabbed the right image.
There is a built in one (native PVE) and custom one. Given that you didnt know, I am going to presume it was built-in.
An output of "qm config [vmid]" could be helpful to clarify what you did.
Blockbridge : Ultra low latency all-NVME shared storage for Proxmox -
balloon: 0
boot: c
bootdisk: scsi0
cipassword: $5$Piocg9oM$HjlXK8YhKknyNO0gCSkzez1fjCC.6y0Bq/V3ca4gxm3
ciuser: jhmc93
cores: 2
cpu: host
ide2: isos-and-vms:5000/vm-5000-cloudinit.qcow2,media=cdrom
ipconfig0: ip=dhcp
memory: 4096
meta: creation-qemu=8.1.5,ctime=1718820046
name: ubuntu-cloud
net0: virtio=BC:24:11:AB:49:8B,bridge=vmbr0
numa: 0
scsi0: isos-and-vms:5000/base-5000-disk-0.raw,size=36352M
scsihw: virtio-scsi-pci
serial0: socket
smbios1: uuid=c0919ba2-51e9-4857-9883-3550377fb462
sockets: 1
template: 1
vga: serial0
vmgenid: a684f1e6-efcb-460a-818f-edc46ea9bfb2
root@Copy-of-VM-vm9001:/home/blockbridge# sshd -T|grep -i pass
permitrootlogin without-password
kerberosorlocalpasswd yes
passwordauthentication no
permitemptypasswords no
root@Copy-of-VM-vm9001:/home/blockbridge# cat /etc/os-release
PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 24.04 LTS"
VERSION="24.04 LTS (Noble Numbat)"
I'm still having the same problem.Great! I was hoping that eventually we'd be able to gather enough information to get to the bottom of it.
I think this answers your question:
Code:root@Copy-of-VM-vm9001:/home/blockbridge# sshd -T|grep -i pass permitrootlogin without-password kerberosorlocalpasswd yes passwordauthentication no permitemptypasswords no root@Copy-of-VM-vm9001:/home/blockbridge# cat /etc/os-release PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 24.04 LTS" NAME="Ubuntu" VERSION_ID="24.04" VERSION="24.04 LTS (Noble Numbat)" VERSION_CODENAME=noble ID=ubuntu ID_LIKE=debian HOME_URL="" SUPPORT_URL="" BUG_REPORT_URL="" PRIVACY_POLICY_URL="" UBUNTU_CODENAME=noble LOGO=ubuntu-logo
Good luck
Blockbridge : Ultra low latency all-NVME shared storage for Proxmox -
Hi @jhmc93 ,I'm still having the same problem.
when I run the first command u sent "sshd -T|grep -i pass" I get the outcome: sshd: no hostkeys available -- exiting.
is it hard to put in custom cloudinit? is it not as simple as enter username and password in the cloudinit settings? and enable passwordauthentication in ssh config?Hi @jhmc93 ,
My apologies, I should have been more clear. The output I provided was not a fix. It was a demonstration that in Ubuntu 24 cloud image the password authentication is disabled by default. This means that you must use the SSH key if you are using limited options of the Proxmox CloudInit native interface.
If you insist on being able to log in with a password, you must convert to using Custom CloudInit.
In particular, you want to carefully study this section
Please note, this thread has moved out of the scope of "Proxmox VE: Installation and Configuration". Your challenge is a generic system administration activity.
Best of luck in your pursuit.
Blockbridge : Ultra low latency all-NVME shared storage for Proxmox -
It will be much easier for you to generate an ssh key pair and add the public part via PVE GUIis it hard to put in custom cloudinit? is it not as simple as enter username and password in the cloudinit settings? and enable passwordauthentication in ssh config?
Doesn't this ^ imply that you were able to login to the system and so you could have as easily changed this optionI uninstall the open-ssh server package which come along with the image and reinstall by myself
passwordauthentication no
in /etc/ssh/sshd_config
?Interesting. Works for me:I already tried and changed the ssh config so many times with different kind of options, unfortunately it doesn't work. That's why I chose the way of reinstallation.
/usr/bin/ssh -o PreferredAuthentications=password -o PubkeyAuthentication=no -F /dev/null -o IdentitiesOnly=yes testuser@
testuser@ Permission denied (publickey).
root@pve-1:~# ssh blockbridge@
Last login: Thu Aug 22 00:54:54 2024 from
blockbridge@Copy-of-VM-Ubuntu22:~$ sudo sed -i 's/PasswordAuthentication no/PasswordAuthentication yes/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config.d/60-cloudimg-settings.conf
blockbridge@Copy-of-VM-Ubuntu22:~$ sudo systemctl restart sshd
Connection to closed.
root@pve-1:~# /usr/bin/ssh -o PreferredAuthentications=password -o PubkeyAuthentication=no -F /dev/null -o IdentitiesOnly=yes testuser@
testuser@'s password:
Welcome to Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS (GNU/Linux 5.15.0-1054-kvm x86_64)
Last login: Thu Aug 22 00:54:48 2024 from
Could not chdir to home directory /home/testuser: No such file or directory
Glad to hear you got it workingNow I just follow the way you done step by step and it is resolve now. Thank you so much for your contribution @bbgeek17 .