Hi there, I have a couple of old blade servers running Ubuntu Servers, that were my original hypervisors before I started moving into Proxmox. I was curious if the cloud-init settings that can be used allow for importing an existing, complete cloud-init yaml that worked on a standard KVM install?
I've read the cloud init guide at https://pve.proxmox.com/pve-docs/pve-admin-guide.html#qm_cloud_init but one thing that was not really clear is whether I could just import the full existing cloud-init yaml from my existing server and have it work with 100% parity through Proxmox by adding it as a -cicustom
If I can do this, should I be importing it as vendor= or is there a more accurate way? If I can't import a full cloud-init, how would I be able to integrate the import of multiple wireguard configs (hybrid cloud web servers) and connection at startup using tools available with PVE's implementation?
Many thanks in advance, I have been putting off migrating these last VMs but the metal they run on are going to be donated soon, and would rather not fiddle with getting the minimal image ubuntu setup that has worked for years and risk having to rebuild a template up from scratch.
I've read the cloud init guide at https://pve.proxmox.com/pve-docs/pve-admin-guide.html#qm_cloud_init but one thing that was not really clear is whether I could just import the full existing cloud-init yaml from my existing server and have it work with 100% parity through Proxmox by adding it as a -cicustom
If I can do this, should I be importing it as vendor= or is there a more accurate way? If I can't import a full cloud-init, how would I be able to integrate the import of multiple wireguard configs (hybrid cloud web servers) and connection at startup using tools available with PVE's implementation?
Many thanks in advance, I have been putting off migrating these last VMs but the metal they run on are going to be donated soon, and would rather not fiddle with getting the minimal image ubuntu setup that has worked for years and risk having to rebuild a template up from scratch.