Clone multiple VM Parallel


New Member
Sep 1, 2023
Hi, I am new to Proxmox and trying to explore if proxmox has the similar feature/capability of instant clone feature in vmware.
I am having 3 nodes setup with NFS shared disk.

I am getting cant lock file error when try to do parallel full clone from snapshot in proxmox
Is that not possible to clone parallelly from same snapshot in proxmox? The reason why i want to clone from snapshot as it's much faster compare to full clone from template or VM directly
Or that can be done using API call? If yes, can you share some tips how to do this? I am new to API Call too.
Thank You
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If you clone from a template, you can also create linked clones that should be pretty much instantaneous, as they don't make a full copy of the disk. But running them actually in parallel won't work.

Convert to template -> Create linked clones.

If you script it on the CLI, it could be something like for i in {1000..1100}; do qm clone {template VMID} $i; done. It will create the clones sequentially, but since they will be linked clones, the only limit is how quickly the new empty disk image can be created. Once the clones run, the dedicated disk image will get the new data written to. But initially right after the clone, they will be empty.