Changing instance-id cloud-init


Apr 3, 2021
Hello community,

today I had the strange effect, that the ssh host keys one of my VMs had changed. After digging a bit into the logs I figured out that the cloud-init instance-id had changed and thus cloud-init simply cleaned everything.

Is there anyone who has experienced something similar?

From the linked mail thread:

the only thing not really clear is how we generate instance-ids

currently it is the hash of the config, so a config change means a new
instance-id (which triggers things as ssh-host key generation etc.)

It seems this way of generating instance_id has not changed since 2018, as all our VMs got new SSH host keys after the DNS config of the host was changed. This is obviously a very bad thing and causes all sorts of breakage.

Workarounds seem to be
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Another workaround is to override the instance-id.

You can find the current instance-id using qm cloudinit dump <vmid> meta. This can then be saved as a snippet to override the automatically generated meta data using qm set <vmid> --cicustom meta=local:snippets/<yaml file with instance-id defined>.yaml

It would be nice if the cloud-init instance-id was tied to the vmgenid instead of a hash of the cloud-init config file. If you perform the workaround above after your actual first boot, it should retain the same instance-id even other cloud-init information changes.