[SOLVED] Changed host IP address, not can't log in to web interface!


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2018
I've upgraded the hardware on my proxmox server. The new server was set up on a temp ip address, fresh install of OS and Proxmox, then the hardware was swapped over and the IP addresses updated.

Everything seems to work on the server except when I try to log in to the proxmox UI, I get the following error

"Connection failure. Network error or Proxmox VE services not running?"

The deamon is running. Does anyone know how to fix this problem?

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Same problem here with ProxMox 6.3-2: created cluster from first node pve-01, joined cluster from second node pve-02.
Everything worked fine on pve-01, including pve-02 full management. But got two issues on pve-02:
  • pve-02 lost its SSL certificate and got invalid SSL certificate error from browser accessing to GUI.
  • pve-02 threw "Connection failure. Network error or Proxmox VE services not running?" error when trying to log in
I solved thank to your tip to clear browser cache, @Undergrid. Then I proceeded to re-add ACME certificate for domain, which was strangely lost in the process.

Thank you very much @Undergrid!