Change fonts of xterm.js


Feb 15, 2021
Hello, i wanted to customize a little bit my shell terminal of my proxmox.

I install oh my zsh and PowerLevel10k and use the JetBrainsMonoMedium Nerd Font Mono, but in the shell of proxmox now it's broken and I wanted to know how I can change the font of a term to use the Jetbrain one.
You can change the font in the proxmox web interface by clicking on your username in the top-right corner and then clicking `my-settings` where there is an option for your xterm font
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Since this was the first result I ran into on google, and I struggled for a good few hours before finally figuring this out, I'm going to add a bit more detail to the above answer. So, here's how to change your terminal font:
  1. Open "My Settings" from the drop down by pressing your user in the top right
  2. Find the "Font-Family" setting inside the "xterm.js" square.
  3. Open your browser settings
  4. (The next few steps are Firefox specific) Search for "font" in the settings
  5. Press "Advanced"
  6. Find the font you want to use in any of the font drop-downs. E.g. I wanted to use the font called "JetBrainsMono Nerd Font Mono".
  7. Go back to Proxmox and input the exact name of the font in the "Font-Family" input, i.e. "JetBrainsMono Nerd Font Mono" (without the citation signs)
  8. Press "Save" inside the same xterm.js square to save your new settings.
And now you're done. Opening any terminal should hopefully show your desired font.