Change favicon.ico


Active Member
Apr 11, 2022
When maintaining a large number of Proxmox VE, PMG, and PBS instances and keeping links to all of them in the browser bookmarks bar, one needs to remember which is which from remembering the position or hover over them to open the tooltip with the name.

If the favicon.ico is changed to a custom icon to differentiate them, will that be overwritten by an update?
Easier than changing the favicon, if you're using Google Chrome or Chromium you can add a group of tabs to separate groups, by right-clicking on the tab -> Add to group. Otherwise, you can use a plugin for your browser to manage the TABs.
That's good advice for tabs, but I'm actually referring to the bookmark bar. This is a row of just favicons that in Google Chrome is just below the address bar, home, back, forward, and reload. I know that the title of the bookmark can be left alone and it will appear in the bookmark bar, but I have so many that for purposes of efficiency, I have set the title of each bookmark to blank. My goal is to change this:

Would changing the favicon be overwritten by an update, or would that be a permanent change?
According to my knowledge this is completely overwritten. You can technically build an apt hook script that replaces it after an update, but I wouldn't recommend it.

I've kept the labels and added every bookmark to a folder. The folder can now be added to the bookmark bar.
If you "ctr + click" it, it will open every bookmark in the folder
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There are certain things in Proxmox that seem taboo within the community, one is changing the logo, another is changing the favicon... Why is this information hidden so much? Free Software with proprietary information is a joke!

I managed to change the logo after a lot of work, both in PVE (/usr/share/pve-manager/images/dd_logo.png and /usr/share/pve-manager/images/proxmox_logo.png) and in PBS (/usr/share/javascript/proxmox-backup/images/dd_logo.png and /usr/share/javascript/proxmox-backup/images/proxmox_logo.png), but the favicon, which is in /usr/share/pve-manager/images/favicon.ico, I change the image and nothing changes in its display in the browser... What's the trick this time? In PBS I couldn't even find the favicon.ico file...

Why don't you provide this information clearly and anyone who asks about it in Proxmox groups on Telegram is banned?
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I personally use the default logo colorized for different colors to distinguish the different servers. I use this modified logo in Windows Terminal Tabs & each has it's own colorized logo in the background corner of the display as well

I made a few versions of the icons with different colors, I initially changed the black to the different colors, but it ended up looking not great.
If Proxmox doesn't want people to change the favicon for whatever reason, they should implement a way to do it with official versions. Give a setting on the server with a dozen different options to choose, then they have control of the choices. Sure people will still find a way to change it if they really want to, but for me personally if I had a way to do it without the effort that gave me at least 3 easily identifiable different ones I totally would have


I also change the .bashrc so the server is the same color as the icon for that server.
if anyone is wondering the line is
PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\[\033[01;31m\]\u\[\033[01;32m\]@\[\033[01;33m\]\h\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[00m\]\$ '
  • The color options are: (change the block before the part you want to change)
    0;30(Black),0;31(Red),0;32(Green),0;33(Brown),0;34(Blue),0;35(Purple),0;36(Cyan),0;37(Light Gray)
  • 1;30(D-Gray),1;31(L-Red),1;32(L-Green),1;33(Yellow),1;34(L-Blue),1;35(L-Purple),1;36(L-Cyan),1;37(White)
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I change the image and nothing changes in its display in the browser... What's the trick this time? In PBS I couldn't even find the favicon.ico file...
So I just tested this & I changed 4 files in /usr/share/pve-manager/images

after replacing them I restarted the server & now when I'm logged into that server IP the colors of everything are in-line with the changes. It's likely the logo-128.png is the one used for the favicon since the favicon one is soo small & the favicon looks a lot clearer than that.
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