Certificates: acme and Sectigo

Jan 16, 2018

i want to use acme for Certificates from Sectigo. But I'm missing the options for the external binding as the registration needs both an eab-kid and eab-hmac-key parameter.

With certbot these are the --eab-kid and --eab-hmac-key with the appropriate values from our Sectigo Account
It seems that Proxmox VE does not accept the eab parameters. Feel free to open an enhancement request in the bugtracker.
Well, as of now, with the freshly released 8.2 it should be possible.
From the roadmap:
  • Support for adding custom ACME enabled CA's with optional authentication through External Account Binding (EAB) is now also present in the GUI (issue 4497, issue 5093).
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Well, as of now, with the freshly released 8.2 it should be possible.
From the roadmap:
It does not work with Sectigo CA:

Attempting to register account with 'https://acme.sectigo.com/v2/OV'..
Generating ACME account key..
Registering ACME account..
Registration failed: Error: POST to https://acme.sectigo.com/v2/OV/newAccount {"type":"urn:ietf:params:acme:error:malformed","status":400,"detail":"[External Account Binding] Invalid MAC on JWS request"}

key_id and hmac are pasted correctly in the command as I use same key_id/hmac on some other servers.
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I agree with Klaus, that it doesn't work with PVE 8.2 and Sectigo ACME.

Generating ACME account key..
Registering ACME account..
TASK ERROR: Registration failed: Error: POST to https://acme.sectigo.com/v2/OV/newAccount {"type":"urn:ietf:params:acme:error:malformed","status":400,"detail":"[External Account Binding] Invalid MAC on JWS request"}

I still have a manual added custom certificate "pveproxy-ssl.pem", for the same domain.
Hi again,

To give more information on my problem generating a certificate with the new custom ACME function in PVE 8.2.
(Please also see my previous message in this thread)

I used to run the following command (with success), to generate my certificates that I manually added as a custom certificate in my PVE host.
sudo certbot certonly --standalone \
--non-interactive \
--agree-tos \
--email <mail> \
--server https://acme.sectigo.com/v2/OV \
--eab-kid <kid> \
--eab-hmac-key <key> \
--domain <domain_fqdn> \
--cert-name <cert_file_name> \

All private data have been removed from the example, such as my email, EAB-KID, EAB-HMAC-KEY, domain and certname (which was similar to the domain name).
could you try to create the certificate via the cli? The command for that would be: pvenode acme account register <name> <mail>
The wizard should ask you for a custom directory and optionally the eab credentials
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I also tried to do this via the cli, and it failed again. I'll include everything I did here below (I have removed all sensible data).

root@pve:~# pvenode acme account register Sectigo <mail>
Directory endpoints:
0) Let's Encrypt V2 (https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory)
1) Let's Encrypt V2 Staging (https://acme-staging-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory)
2) Custom
Enter selection: 2
Enter custom URL: https://acme.sectigo.com/v2/OV

Attempting to fetch Terms of Service from 'https://acme.sectigo.com/v2/OV'..
Terms of Service: https://secure.trust-provider.com/repository/docs/Legacy/20230516_Certificate_Subscriber_Agreement_v_2_6_click.pdf
Do you agree to the above terms? [y|N]: y
The CA requires external account binding.
You should have received a key id and a key from your CA.
Enter EAB key id: <kid>
Enter EAB key: <key>

Attempting to register account with 'https://acme.sectigo.com/v2/OV'..
Generating ACME account key..
Registering ACME account..
Registration failed: Error: POST to https://acme.sectigo.com/v2/OV/newAccount {"type":"urn:ietf:params:acme:error:malformed","status":400,"detail":"[External Account Binding] Invalid MAC on JWS request"}
Task Registration failed: Error: POST to https://acme.sectigo.com/v2/OV/newAccount {"type":"urn:ietf:params:acme:error:malformed","status":400,"detail":"[External Account Binding] Invalid MAC on JWS request"}

I don't know if this is for any help in solving this, I reuse the same EAB key id and EAB key, that I have used before from another server to generat the certificates, so that I could add it as a custom certificate on the PVE host.
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Hm, I just tested it against ZeroSSL, same problem. It seems like pebble isn't so much the reference server, as it claims to be ^^

Could you please open an issue on our bugzilla and post the link here for others to find, so we can keep track of the issue?

Nevermind, found the issue and noticed that it got already fixed back in February, the package didn't get a release since, though.
I'll update the thread as soon as an update is available
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The update should now be available in all repositories except enterprise.
The package you would be looking for is libproxmox-acme-perl 1.5.1

Let me know if it works!
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