Certificate generated Successful but no secure connection


New Member
Aug 8, 2023

I've come to see you because for some unknown reason when I try to create a certificate I get this error message: TASK ERROR: ACME account config file 'default' does not exist.

I saw on this thread https://forum.proxmox.com/threads/acme-over-dnschallenge-failing.71902/ that apparently you have to check something on the GUI, the error is apparently very simple but I can't find it.

Could you help me?

Thank you in advance


PS : I finally figured out what they meant by the checkbox! The certificate was correctly generated by let's encrypt but for some unknown reason I still don't have access to the site in https. However, we can see that the certificate is indeed generated by let's encrypt.

Capture d’écran 2023-08-08 à 21.46.37.png
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What Domain are you using for the Certificate? Can you post the certificate details? You cannot create certificates for local IPs ( which would explain why the certificate is invalid for the IP you are using to access the Web Interface.