Has anyone implemented CertBot with dns-01 using CNAMEs/aliases?
I read through Wiki - DNS Validation through CNAME Alias and it seems to support it through the UI (with exception of one step), however I get to this step of the instructions where it says to edit the node configuration file and set an alias, but it doesn't provide any instructions on where this file is.
I've seen forum posts where people have used CLI scripts to manage domains, but I'm really trying to stick to the UI as much as I can since it works really well.
Thanks in advance,
Has anyone implemented CertBot with dns-01 using CNAMEs/aliases?
I read through Wiki - DNS Validation through CNAME Alias and it seems to support it through the UI (with exception of one step), however I get to this step of the instructions where it says to edit the node configuration file and set an alias, but it doesn't provide any instructions on where this file is.
set the alias property in the Proxmox VE node configuration file to domain2.example
I've seen forum posts where people have used CLI scripts to manage domains, but I'm really trying to stick to the UI as much as I can since it works really well.
Thanks in advance,