I've added a new node to my cluster, but the backfilling to the new node is killing the cluster.
osd_max_backfills is set to 1000, so no wonder it kills it. I've tried setting osd_max_backfills on all nodes with:
But it doesn't change anything even if it seems to have succeeded.
I then tried changing it for one specific OSD.
But if I then fetch the value afterwards:
I then tried setting it in ceph.conf and restarting the OSD. Right after the OSD came up the value was correct, but the next time is fetched the value, it was back at 1000.
I vaguely remember messing with the parameter while setting up the cluster, but haven't been able to find anything in the config files.
I've added a new node to my cluster, but the backfilling to the new node is killing the cluster.
osd_max_backfills is set to 1000, so no wonder it kills it. I've tried setting osd_max_backfills on all nodes with:
ceph tell 'osd.*' injectargs --osd-max-backfills=1
I then tried changing it for one specific OSD.
# ceph daemon osd.20 config set osd_max_backfills 1
"success": "osd_max_backfills = '1' "
# ceph daemon osd.20 config get osd_max_backfills
"osd_max_backfills": "1000"
I then tried setting it in ceph.conf and restarting the OSD. Right after the OSD came up the value was correct, but the next time is fetched the value, it was back at 1000.
root@phcpve03:~# ceph daemon osd.67 config get osd_max_backfills
"osd_max_backfills": "1"
root@phcpve03:~# ceph daemon osd.67 config get osd_max_backfills
"osd_max_backfills": "1000"
I vaguely remember messing with the parameter while setting up the cluster, but haven't been able to find anything in the config files.