I got some strange problem in my ceph cluster osd. I see that some class showing the hdd and ssd, but i confirmed that all drive should be ssd drive. I not sure why there have different detected for all nodes(I have attached the print screen file namesd.png).
On the other hand, Ialso facing another strange problem, i had removed some vm in yesterday. I found that disk usage should be dropped in RDB volume,but i also found that the total also drop in the same time. My question should i not sure why the total size dropped.(i also attached the print screen size.png)
Thank you for all can provide some suggestion. Sorry for my poor english.
I got some strange problem in my ceph cluster osd. I see that some class showing the hdd and ssd, but i confirmed that all drive should be ssd drive. I not sure why there have different detected for all nodes(I have attached the print screen file namesd.png).
On the other hand, Ialso facing another strange problem, i had removed some vm in yesterday. I found that disk usage should be dropped in RDB volume,but i also found that the total also drop in the same time. My question should i not sure why the total size dropped.(i also attached the print screen size.png)
Thank you for all can provide some suggestion. Sorry for my poor english.