Ceph-mon start request repeated to quickly


New Member
Oct 4, 2023
Hello. Installed Proxmox 8.0-2. I completed the basic settings and assembled a cluster of 4 servers. I started installing Ceph via the Web interface. I configured the first server without errors, moved to the second server and after downloading and installing the packages, the assistant did not proceed to the next stage and froze. The Monitor service does not start on the first server.

root@server1:~# systemctl status ceph-mon@server1.service
ceph-mon@server1.service - Ceph cluster monitor daemon
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/ceph-mon@.service; enabled; preset: enabled)
Active: failed (Result: signal)
Process: 15829 ExecStart=/usr/bin/ceph-mon -f --cluster ${CLUSTER} --id server1 --setuser ceph --setgroup ceph
Main PID: 15829 (code=killed, signal=ILL)

server1 systemd[1]: ceph-mon@server1.service: Start request repeated to quickly.
server1 systemd[1]: ceph-mon@server1.service: Failed with result 'signal'.
server1 systemd[1]: Failed to start ceph-mon@server1.service - Ceph cluster monitor daemon.

The following steps do not solve the problem
# systemctl reset-failed ceph-mon@server1.service
# systemctl start ceph-mon@server1.service
# systemctl stop ceph-mon@server1.service
# systemctl start ceph-mon@server1.service
Please post:

  • /etc/hosts
  • /etc/network/interfaces
  • /etc/pve/ceph.conf
Can you ping all ceph nodes from each other?
Have you configured a time server via chrony?
What do the logs say?
journalctl -u ceph-mon@server1.service
I have the same problem with one node. The response i get is:

ec 21 16:41:57 prox4 systemd[1]: Started ceph-mon@prox4.service - Ceph cluster monitor daemon.
Dec 21 16:41:57 prox4 ceph-mon[233311]: *** Caught signal (Illegal instruction) **
Dec 21 16:41:57 prox4 ceph-mon[233311]: in thread 7f584202fd40 thread_name:ceph-mon
Dec 21 16:41:57 prox4 ceph-mon[233311]: ceph version 18.2.0 (d724bab467c1c4e2a89e8070f01037ae589a37ca) reef (stable)
Dec 21 16:41:57 prox4 ceph-mon[233311]: 1: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(+0x3bfd0) [0x7f584305afd0]
Dec 21 16:41:57 prox4 ceph-mon[233311]: 2: gf_init_hard()
Dec 21 16:41:57 prox4 ceph-mon[233311]: 3: gf_init_easy()
Dec 21 16:41:57 prox4 ceph-mon[233311]: 4: galois_init_default_field()
Dec 21 16:41:57 prox4 ceph-mon[233311]: 5: jerasure_init()
Dec 21 16:41:57 prox4 ceph-mon[233311]: 6: __erasure_code_init()
Dec 21 16:41:57 prox4 ceph-mon[233311]: 7: (ceph::ErasureCodePluginRegistry::load(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, >
Dec 21 16:41:57 prox4 ceph-mon[233311]: 8: (ceph::ErasureCodePluginRegistry::preload(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>
Dec 21 16:41:57 prox4 ceph-mon[233311]: 9: (global_init_preload_erasure_code(ceph::common::CephContext const*)+0x8a8) [0x55e925886b48]
Dec 21 16:41:57 prox4 ceph-mon[233311]: 10: main()
Dec 21 16:41:57 prox4 ceph-mon[233311]: 11: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(+0x271ca) [0x7f58430461ca]
Dec 21 16:41:57 prox4 ceph-mon[233311]: 12: __libc_start_main()
Dec 21 16:41:57 prox4 ceph-mon[233311]: 13: _start()
Dec 21 16:41:57 prox4 ceph-mon[233311]: 2023-12-21T16:41:57.878+0100 7f584202fd40 -1 *** Caught signal (Illegal instruction) **
Dec 21 16:41:57 prox4 ceph-mon[233311]: in thread 7f584202fd40 thread_name:ceph-mon
Dec 21 16:41:57 prox4 ceph-mon[233311]: ceph version 18.2.0 (d724bab467c1c4e2a89e8070f01037ae589a37ca) reef (stable)
Dec 21 16:41:57 prox4 ceph-mon[233311]: 1: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(+0x3bfd0) [0x7f584305afd0]
Dec 21 16:41:57 prox4 ceph-mon[233311]: 2: gf_init_hard()
Dec 21 16:41:57 prox4 ceph-mon[233311]: 3: gf_init_easy()
Dec 21 16:41:57 prox4 ceph-mon[233311]: 4: galois_init_default_field()
Dec 21 16:41:57 prox4 ceph-mon[233311]: 5: jerasure_init()
Dec 21 16:41:57 prox4 ceph-mon[233311]: 6: __erasure_code_init()
Dec 21 16:41:57 prox4 ceph-mon[233311]: 7: (ceph::ErasureCodePluginRegistry::load(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, >
Dec 21 16:41:57 prox4 ceph-mon[233311]: 8: (ceph::ErasureCodePluginRegistry::preload(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>
Dec 21 16:41:57 prox4 ceph-mon[233311]: 9: (global_init_preload_erasure_code(ceph::common::CephContext const*)+0x8a8) [0x55e925886b48]
Dec 21 16:41:57 prox4 ceph-mon[233311]: 10: main()
Dec 21 16:41:57 prox4 ceph-mon[233311]: 11: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(+0x271ca) [0x7f58430461ca]
Dec 21 16:41:57 prox4 ceph-mon[233311]: 12: __libc_start_main()
Dec 21 16:41:57 prox4 ceph-mon[233311]: 13: _start()
Dec 21 16:41:57 prox4 ceph-mon[233311]: NOTE: a copy of the executable, or `objdump -rdS <executable>` is needed to interpret this.
Dec 21 16:41:57 prox4 ceph-mon[233311]: -37> 2023-12-21T16:41:57.878+0100 7f584202fd40 -1 *** Caught signal (Illegal instruction) **
Dec 21 16:41:57 prox4 ceph-mon[233311]: in thread 7f584202fd40 thread_name:ceph-mon
Dec 21 16:41:57 prox4 ceph-mon[233311]: ceph version 18.2.0 (d724bab467c1c4e2a89e8070f01037ae589a37ca) reef (stable)
Dec 21 16:41:57 prox4 ceph-mon[233311]: 1: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(+0x3bfd0) [0x7f584305afd0]