Does Proxmox have the option to add "--options=" flag when using Ceph RBD images. One of our Ceph clusters is external to Proxmox and has the 'cephx_sign_messages' option set to false. This is preventing the KRBD module from working, but librbd works without issues.
The following works by hand and I want to know if this can be set without editing the code at '/usr/share/perl5/PVE/Storage/RBDPlugin.pm'.
/usr/bin/rbd -p ord1 -m x.x.x.x --auth_supported cephx -n client.key --keyring /etc/pve/priv/ceph/rbd0.keyring map vm-100-disk-0 --options=nocephx_sign_messages
Does Proxmox have the option to add "--options=" flag when using Ceph RBD images. One of our Ceph clusters is external to Proxmox and has the 'cephx_sign_messages' option set to false. This is preventing the KRBD module from working, but librbd works without issues.
The following works by hand and I want to know if this can be set without editing the code at '/usr/share/perl5/PVE/Storage/RBDPlugin.pm'.
/usr/bin/rbd -p ord1 -m x.x.x.x --auth_supported cephx -n client.key --keyring /etc/pve/priv/ceph/rbd0.keyring map vm-100-disk-0 --options=nocephx_sign_messages