So hopefully this isn't a duplicate of something well asked:
I have 2 pools of disks: The default Ceph pool that I use for VMs (the large pool on the larger disks) and a smaller pool I intend to use as K8s storage. The larger pool I want to keep Exclusively for VM storage, but the smaller pool I want to put CephFS on top of.
And that leads to the basic question: How do I specify the pool that Ceph is going to put data into? I tried creating a "cephfs_data" pool on the secondary area and putting the cephfs_metadata pool on primary, and then using:
ceph fs new cephfs cephfs_metadata cephfs_data
But it returned: "Error EINVAL: poll 'cephfs_data' (id '11') has a non-CephFS application enabled."
I assume because I created it through the normal "pool" creation in the GUI it's giving me this.
Anyone know how to create the CephFS pool on something other than the "Default" Ceph storage?
I have 2 pools of disks: The default Ceph pool that I use for VMs (the large pool on the larger disks) and a smaller pool I intend to use as K8s storage. The larger pool I want to keep Exclusively for VM storage, but the smaller pool I want to put CephFS on top of.
And that leads to the basic question: How do I specify the pool that Ceph is going to put data into? I tried creating a "cephfs_data" pool on the secondary area and putting the cephfs_metadata pool on primary, and then using:
ceph fs new cephfs cephfs_metadata cephfs_data
But it returned: "Error EINVAL: poll 'cephfs_data' (id '11') has a non-CephFS application enabled."
I assume because I created it through the normal "pool" creation in the GUI it's giving me this.
Anyone know how to create the CephFS pool on something other than the "Default" Ceph storage?