CentOS 7 on container - agetty using 100% of 1 CPU


Renowned Member
May 9, 2015
Can anyone please help me solve this?:x86 templates works fine in containers (they even recognize more then 4GB of ram, is that PAE or what?), BUT most of x64 templates that I've downloaded from OpenVZ.org don't. Some of them, like Debian and CentOS 6, 7 install and start fine, but as soon I enter "root" and press enter, CPU goes mad. The agetty process uses up to 100% of 1 CPU thread, the rest of it works fine (I can SSH and do whatever I want). Sure I can disable the terminal, but it's not the best solution I guess.Ubuntu 14.04 x64 starts and run fine, the terminal shows what is going on with the start up processes, but it stops before I can see the login line (ssh works fine too).Is there any idea what is going on?
I've never had an issue like that on my Debian containers. I don't use CentOS containers, but plenty of Debian.