[SOLVED] Can't upload Wildcard SSL Properly

Jan 23, 2021
Geneva, Switzerland
Dear community,

Spent countless hours on trying to install my wildcard cert downloaded from my web provider. true that i am far to be a cert specialist, until then i was able to manage this with my limited knowledge, but here...

Hereby the content of my folder on windows.

I have attempted to convert crt to pem with open ssl but always getting the same error at import, when opening file from Proxmox import dialog :

Parameter verification failed. (400)

key: invalid format - not a valid PEM-formatted string

Since importing private key is optional, i am also wondering what is the effect of importing or not importing that key on the server.
The format PVE expects is PEM (roughly base64) encoded certificate and keys.

from a quick look the site:
seems to provide some good guidance on how to convert between the different formats.

Make sure to never convert your private key with an online conversion tool

I hope this helps!
Thank you very much for your reply.
i was able to import by renaming certificate AND private key with .pem extension.
Then i imported both with no issues. It was not working before since i tried to import cert without private key.