Can't sync to remote - am I misunderstanding how this works?


New Member
Apr 11, 2022

Apologies if this is a stupid question but I have tried following the manual to no avail.

I have a proxmox backup server. It's called PBS01. It has a datastore called 'backups' with some backups in. It's only used in my homelab so the only user is root@pam.

I have created a new PBS server on a remote server. It is called PBS02. I want to use it to store copies of the backups on PBS01.

In the UI of PBS02 I added a remote. I called it PBS01 and entered the IP of PBS01. I entered the user as root@pam and put the password for the root@pam user on PBS01 (actually it's the same username & password on BOTH instances) I then added the fingerprint that I obtained from the dashboard of PBS01.

Next I go to the datastore on PBS02 and add a sync job. On the source remote dropdown I pick the PBS01 that I setup in remotes. When I click the dropdown to pick a datastore from the remote I get an error that says:

Failed to scan remote PBS01. Remote connection to **PBS01's IP address** failed - permission check failed.

Is this because "root@pam" doesn't have permission to access the datastore? Surely "root" has access to everything?!

On PBS02 I ran nmap -Pn 8007 **PBS01's IP** and it reports that 8007 is open so presumably not a firewall issue.

TIA for any assistance :)
I can't figure out how to delete my post so in case anyone finds this in the future - it would appear root@pam is not allowed to run sync jobs.

I added a new user to PBS01, gave it permission to access the datastore and then changed the user in PBS02 to match and now it works.

Can only assume for security that root is not allowed to run sync jobs
root@pam is allowed, but maybe you have 2fa enabled for that user? sync will not work with user that has 2fa enabled
Nope, no 2FA setup on my Proxmox or PBS.

I'm satisfied that it's working with the new user I created - but if you want me to provide further details for testing (or if anyone stumbles across this in the future with a similar problem) then feel free to message me and I will provide as much detail as possible.


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