I shut down my cluster by issuing sequential shutdown commands to my nodes, after reboot one VM on one node won't start with the errors below
1. i guess I should stop all VMs manually before shutting all nodes down? (i.e. can't rely on shutdown command from UI to do the right thing?)
2. what do i do to fix this?
Oct 08 15:04:51 pve3 pvedaemon[1626]: <root@pam> starting task UPID:pve3:00005304:00039B66:65232783:hastart:105:root@pam:
Oct 08 15:04:51 pve3 pvedaemon[21252]: command 'ha-manager set vm:105 --state started' failed: exit code 255
Oct 08 15:04:51 pve3 pvedaemon[1626]: <root@pam> end task UPID:pve3:00005304:00039B66:65232783:hastart:105:root@pam: command 'ha-manager set vm:105 --state started' failed: exit code 255
1. i guess I should stop all VMs manually before shutting all nodes down? (i.e. can't rely on shutdown command from UI to do the right thing?)
2. what do i do to fix this?
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