[SOLVED] Cant remove VM from Node.


Apr 9, 2021
Hi everyone.

Im fairly new to Proxmox, but so far I've enjoyed it a lot.
I have a 3 node setup here at home.

On Node 1 I have a single disk as ZFS storage called "RSS-VMs"
After a while it failed and I destroyed it. Disk status said "degraded"
I then created storage again with the same single disk, this time named "P1-DISK".

I had a backup VM (Debian) which I tried to restore onto said disk and now I cannot remove it again.

Whenever I try I get this:
TASK ERROR: could not activate storage 'P1-DISK', zfs error: cannot import 'P1-DISK': no such pool available

If I then destroy zfs pool and create it again with the P1-DISK name, It should work right ?
But then I get
TASK ERROR: could not activate storage 'RSS-VMs', zfs error: cannot import 'RSS-VMs': no such pool available

Which leaves me kinda stuck.
I did manage to restore VM to another Proxmox node but I'd like if I could remove it from the overview.

Thank you.
Any help much appreciated.


Node 1 VM destroy.PNGNode 1 VM.PNG
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The thread prefix is set to "Solved". Were you able to solve it? If so, would you please be so kind to post how?

Otherwise, can you please post the contents of /etc/pve/storage.cfg and the output of zpool status and lsblk?