[SOLVED] Cant remove died server from my cluster


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2017
Hello guys!

My cluster is just with 3 server, but one (h62) is full dead, i need to replace it. The problem is, the proxmox cant allow me to remove the died one, this still on my server datacenter of web gui:


But i cant remove the h62 on shell, cause h62 dont existis on the nodes list:


How can i safe remove the 62 without destroing my cluster?
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Searching the forum i found a guy and this way to solve, but, its really safe?

rm -r /etc/pve/nodes/<nodename>
Anytime we've had that issue running

rm -r /etc/pve/nodes/<nodename>

Did the trick. If your worried about it messing things up, you can ways backup that folder first, or move it to another folder instead, so you can always move it back. Refresh your browser and the GUI should reflect that change.
Can i use the same VM IDs from the died server? Or i will get problems with that?
I guess thats safe, because the vms id/configs is located local at each server, but im not sure...
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