[SOLVED] can't login to PVE via web as root@pam


May 16, 2022
I can't log in to PVE via the web as root@pam, but I can still connect to the server via ssh
I tried restarting the server, clearing the browser cache, changing the browser.
I also changed the root password via ssh, but I can’t do it via the web.

Is the node in cluster and the other nodes are down? If so, in this case you have to give more vote quorum to the node using `pvecm expected 1` command. If this is not the case, I would test login via API in order to check the password inserted is correct using cURL command as described in the below link [0].

[0] https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Proxmox_VE_API#Ticket_Cookie
This is a cluster of 3 nodes, 1 node is 100% down.
Your advice to change the number of quorum votes worked.
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