I've had a power outage recently which caused some corruption on by USB bootable stick and is playing up (shows grub rescue, complains boot.mod not found and other things). After several reboots the PVE server did bootup and my VM's and containers which I have set to start on boot are running. However, now I can not login to the PVE web interface nor can I ssh onto the server using the password I had set. On the server itself I'm running a VM with GPU passthru and so I cannot get onto the server machine command prompt.
I want to be able to copy my .conf file so that I can rebuild a new boot drive. I tried to read the USB drive but it doesn't want to mount on my ubuntu laptop.
Any advice?
I've had a power outage recently which caused some corruption on by USB bootable stick and is playing up (shows grub rescue, complains boot.mod not found and other things). After several reboots the PVE server did bootup and my VM's and containers which I have set to start on boot are running. However, now I can not login to the PVE web interface nor can I ssh onto the server using the password I had set. On the server itself I'm running a VM with GPU passthru and so I cannot get onto the server machine command prompt.
I want to be able to copy my .conf file so that I can rebuild a new boot drive. I tried to read the USB drive but it doesn't want to mount on my ubuntu laptop.
Any advice?