I have a Dedicated Server (i.e Bare Metal) at Contabo with a static IP, and no KVM (can't run the DVD installer). Contabo didn't know how to install Proxmox correctly, and so basically they just gave me a customized Debian 'bookworm' install but no Proxmox and they're clueless at the moment. So I've had to manually install the packages from the Proxmox repository into Debian to get Proxmox running, but the system still is definitely not installed the correct way that the Installer DVD or an Unattended Installation script would do it. It looks like that puts me on Proxmox VE 8.1.3.
One issue I'm struggling with at the moment is getting DHCP to work inside the VM's. I am not a network engineer or expert, but have a good understanding of the basics. Because of the situation described above, I had to define the network bridge myself with no help from the Proxmox installer. Here is my /etc/network/interfaces file as it stands now (IP addresses anonymized):
Against this example, the Proxmox host is located at static IP address
In the VM configurations, the Network Device is set to use the 'vmbr0' Linux Bridge as the adapter. I haven't pondered yet if I need a separate bridge for each VM?
At any rate, it seems like the network bridge itself is configured here correctly, as I was able to get networking to work in the guest VM's if I assign static IP's within each VM (though I really don't know how to setup a subnet for them correctly to avoid conflicts with other machines). The problem, I think, is Proxmox isn't providing a DHCP server for the guest VM's, and the host machine has static IP and no DHCP server on its own gateway. I understand that the dnsmasq package is used by Proxmox to make this work, but all I know how to do is install the package! I can't find anything in Proxmox itself describing configuration for DHCP for guests where the main network doesn't provide it.
What am I missing here? How to get Proxmox 8.1.3 to provide its own DHCP to the guests?
One issue I'm struggling with at the moment is getting DHCP to work inside the VM's. I am not a network engineer or expert, but have a good understanding of the basics. Because of the situation described above, I had to define the network bridge myself with no help from the Proxmox installer. Here is my /etc/network/interfaces file as it stands now (IP addresses anonymized):
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
iface eth0 inet manual
dns-search invalid
up ip route replace via dev eth0
auto vmbr0
iface vmbr0 inet static
bridge-ports eth0
bridge-stp off
bridge-fd 0
iface vmbr0 inet6 static
address abcd:1234:0000:1011:0000:0000:0000:0001/64
gateway fedc::1
In the VM configurations, the Network Device is set to use the 'vmbr0' Linux Bridge as the adapter. I haven't pondered yet if I need a separate bridge for each VM?
At any rate, it seems like the network bridge itself is configured here correctly, as I was able to get networking to work in the guest VM's if I assign static IP's within each VM (though I really don't know how to setup a subnet for them correctly to avoid conflicts with other machines). The problem, I think, is Proxmox isn't providing a DHCP server for the guest VM's, and the host machine has static IP and no DHCP server on its own gateway. I understand that the dnsmasq package is used by Proxmox to make this work, but all I know how to do is install the package! I can't find anything in Proxmox itself describing configuration for DHCP for guests where the main network doesn't provide it.
What am I missing here? How to get Proxmox 8.1.3 to provide its own DHCP to the guests?
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