Can't connect to port 8007...


New Member
Apr 9, 2022
Hello everybody,

I can't connect to PBS on port https 8007. It took too long to respond.

I have a lot of errors on journalctl -b -e :

Nov 01 20:42:12 pve pvestatd[2851]: zfs error: cannot open 'SauvegardeUSB': no such pool
Nov 01 20:42:12 pve pvestatd[2851]: could not activate storage 'SauvegardeUSB', zfs error: cannot import 'SauvegardeUSB': I/O error
Nov 01 20:42:12 pve proxmox-backup-[2640]: pve proxmox-backup-proxy[2640]: GET /api2/json/admin/datastore/sauvegarde/status: 400 Bad Request: [client [::ffff:]:48512] unable to open chunk store 'sauvegarde' at "/sauvegarde/.chunks" - No such file or directory (os error 2)
Nov 01 20:42:12 pve pvestatd[2851]: proxmox-backup-client failed: Error: unable to open chunk store 'sauvegarde' at "/sauvegarde/.chunks" - No such file or directory (os error 2)
Nov 01 20:42:23 pve proxmox-backup-[2640]: pve proxmox-backup-proxy[2640]: GET /api2/json/admin/datastore/sauvegarde/status: 400 Bad Request: [client [::ffff:]:53342] unable to open chunk store 'sauvegarde' at "/sauvegarde/.chunks" - No such file or directory (os error 2)
Nov 01 20:42:23 pve pvestatd[2851]: proxmox-backup-client failed: Error: unable to open chunk store 'sauvegarde' at "/sauvegarde/.chunks" - No such file or directory (os error 2)
Nov 01 20:42:23 pve pvestatd[2851]: zfs error: cannot open 'SauvegardeUSB': no such pool
Nov 01 20:42:23 pve zed[3111866]: eid=709446 class=zpool pool='SauvegardeUSB'
Nov 01 20:42:23 pve zed[3111867]: eid=709445 class=data pool='SauvegardeUSB' priority=0 err=52 flags=0x808881 bookmark=0:0:0:0
Nov 01 20:42:23 pve zed[3111931]: eid=709447 class=zpool pool='SauvegardeUSB'
Nov 01 20:42:23 pve zed[3111951]: eid=709448 class=zpool pool='SauvegardeUSB'
Nov 01 20:42:23 pve zed[3111980]: eid=709449 class=zpool pool='SauvegardeUSB'
Nov 01 20:42:23 pve pvestatd[2851]: zfs error: cannot open 'SauvegardeUSB': no such pool
Nov 01 20:42:23 pve pvestatd[2851]: could not activate storage 'SauvegardeUSB', zfs error: cannot import 'SauvegardeUSB': I/O error
lines 944-1001/1001 (END)

Is anyone have an idea to retrieve my web interface ?


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zfs error: cannot import 'SauvegardeUSB': I/O error
that sounds like either your usb disk is not connected correctly (maybe bad cable?) or the disk itself might be defect. Check the disks smart values.
Thank you for your help.

@Chris Yes I think I have to reconfigurate all my backups. I didn't know if it's the error wich do I can't access to pbs on port 8007.

@mgabriel my status seems to be ok, except my status date is from october 8.

root@pve:~# zpool status
  pool: tank
 state: ONLINE
  scan: scrub repaired 0B in 00:26:41 with 0 errors on Sun Oct  8 00:50:42 2023

        NAME                                               STATE     READ WRITE CKSUM
        tank                                               ONLINE       0     0     0
          nvme-eui.000000000000000100a075212fc6d958-part1  ONLINE       0     0     0

errors: No known data errors

First question, why the date is old ?
Second question, is it still port 8007 ? Is it possible it changed ? How to verify web access is ok ?


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The first log mentions a SauvegardeUSB pool while your zpool status command only shows a pool named tank.

What happened to your SauvegardeUSB pool? And what was it's purpose?

First question, why the date is old ?

You mean the date after "scrub repaired"? This is when the last scrub was done. This happens on the second sunday of each month if not changed.


But how to retreive web admin on port 8007 ? How to do diagnostic ?

This site can’t be reached
proxmox.xxxxx.test took too long to respond.

Checking the connection
Checking the proxy and the firewall


The port 8007 is provided by the proxmox-backup-proxy daemon. First, check that the daemon is running or why it's not running. You can check it with

systemctl status proxmox-backup-proxy.service

and post the output of that command here.

Best regards,
root@pve:~# systemctl status proxmox-backup-proxy.service
● proxmox-backup-proxy.service - Proxmox Backup API Proxy Server
     Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/proxmox-backup-proxy.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: active (running) since Mon 2023-10-16 11:34:05 CEST; 2 weeks 4 days ago
   Main PID: 2640 (proxmox-backup-)
      Tasks: 27 (limit: 154220)
     Memory: 14.6M
        CPU: 33min 41.063s
     CGroup: /system.slice/proxmox-backup-proxy.service
             └─2640 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/proxmox-backup/proxmox-backup-proxy

Nov 03 13:32:45 pve proxmox-backup-[2640]: pve proxmox-backup-proxy[2640]: GET /api2/json/admin/datastore/sauvegarde/status: 400 Bad Request: [client [::>
Nov 03 13:32:55 pve proxmox-backup-[2640]: pve proxmox-backup-proxy[2640]: GET /api2/json/admin/datastore/sauvegarde/status: 400 Bad Request: [client [::>
Nov 03 13:33:00 pve proxmox-backup-proxy[2640]: lookup_datastore failed - unable to open chunk store 'sauvegarde' at "/sauvegarde/.chunks" - No such file>
Nov 03 13:33:04 pve proxmox-backup-[2640]: pve proxmox-backup-proxy[2640]: GET /api2/json/admin/datastore/sauvegarde/status: 400 Bad Request: [client [::>
Nov 03 13:33:15 pve proxmox-backup-[2640]: pve proxmox-backup-proxy[2640]: GET /api2/json/admin/datastore/sauvegarde/status: 400 Bad Request: [client [::>
Nov 03 13:33:25 pve proxmox-backup-[2640]: pve proxmox-backup-proxy[2640]: GET /api2/json/admin/datastore/sauvegarde/status: 400 Bad Request: [client [::>
Nov 03 13:33:34 pve proxmox-backup-[2640]: pve proxmox-backup-proxy[2640]: GET /api2/json/admin/datastore/sauvegarde/status: 400 Bad Request: [client [::>
Nov 03 13:33:44 pve proxmox-backup-[2640]: pve proxmox-backup-proxy[2640]: GET /api2/json/admin/datastore/sauvegarde/status: 400 Bad Request: [client [::>
Nov 03 13:33:54 pve proxmox-backup-[2640]: pve proxmox-backup-proxy[2640]: GET /api2/json/admin/datastore/sauvegarde/status: 400 Bad Request: [client [::>
Nov 03 13:34:00 pve proxmox-backup-proxy[2640]: lookup_datastore failed - unable to open chunk store 'sauvegarde' at "/sauvegarde/.chunks" - No such

All seems to be ok.


another idea
Do you access PBS over http:// or https:// ? What is the full URL you use? Can you connect locally, on PBS itself?

Do you troubleshoot via SSH (so the network connection must be just fine), or via keyboard/screen (without implicit confirmation that network is up)?
I access PBS with Domainname is good because it's the same as promox server and it was ok before. I tested with IP but that's same.

I connect on Promox web interface and acces to bash by it.

My only problem is with https access...
Sorry, I'm not quite sure whether I understand correctly what you write...

I tested with IP but that's same.
Do you mean, the IP address did not change, or that the result is the same as when using the domain name?

I connect on Promox web interface and acces to bash by it.
You mean, you log in to the PVE interface at, and then open noVNC to run commands and troubleshoot PBS?

My only problem is with https access...
You don't mean that it works when you use http, do you?

I just noticed...
Active: active (running) since Mon 2023-10-16 11:34:05 CEST; 2 weeks 4 days ago
and thought: "Is your clock working? October 16 is almost a month ago!", but then realized the post is a week old :p

Have you tried restarting the service?
Do you mean, the IP address did not change, or that the result is the same as when using the domain name? Yes

You mean, you log in to the PVE interface at, and then open noVNC to run commands and troubleshoot PBS? Yes

You don't mean that it works when you use http, do you? It don't work when I use http...

Have you tried restarting the service? How to do this ?
No changes.

root@pve:~# systemctl restart proxmox-backup-proxy.service
root@pve:~# systemctl status proxmox-backup-proxy.service
● proxmox-backup-proxy.service - Proxmox Backup API Proxy Server
     Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/proxmox-backup-proxy.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: active (running) since Thu 2023-11-09 00:15:34 CET; 10s ago
   Main PID: 2195562 (proxmox-backup-)
      Tasks: 27 (limit: 154220)
     Memory: 14.2M
        CPU: 29ms
     CGroup: /system.slice/proxmox-backup-proxy.service
             └─2195562 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/proxmox-backup/proxmox-backup-proxy

Nov 09 00:15:34 pve systemd[1]: Starting Proxmox Backup API Proxy Server...
Nov 09 00:15:34 pve proxmox-backup-[2195562]: pve proxmox-backup-proxy[2195562]: service is ready
Nov 09 00:15:34 pve systemd[1]: Started Proxmox Backup API Proxy Server.
Nov 09 00:15:34 pve proxmox-backup-[2195562]: pve proxmox-backup-proxy[2195562]: applied rrd journal (1175 entries in 0.005 seconds)
Nov 09 00:15:34 pve proxmox-backup-[2195562]: pve proxmox-backup-proxy[2195562]: write rrd data back to disk
Nov 09 00:15:34 pve proxmox-backup-[2195562]: pve proxmox-backup-proxy[2195562]: starting rrd data sync
Nov 09 00:15:34 pve proxmox-backup-[2195562]: pve proxmox-backup-proxy[2195562]: rrd journal successfully committed (25 files in 0.006 seconds)
Nov 09 00:15:36 pve proxmox-backup-[2195562]: pve proxmox-backup-proxy[2195562]: GET /api2/json/admin/datastore/sauvegarde/status: 400 Bad Request: [client [::ffff:]:58276] unable to open chunk store 'sauvegarde' at "/sauvegarde/.chunks" - No such file or directory (os error 2)
My last connect was this summer. All packages are up-to-date...

I installed it this summer. I think the problems comes when the computer restart.

Thank you a lot for your help !
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It seems you have several issues. The first issue seems to be that on the PVE host, you have a storage SauvegardeUSB configured which is no longer available. Please fix this issue first.

In order to help you to do so, please post the output of your cat /etc/pve/storage.cfg and append the journal since boot by generating a dump via journalctl -b > journal.txt.

From above outputs I assume that the PBS instance is co-installed on the PVE host? Is that correct? If so, is the assumption correct that the datastore called sauvegarde is/was located on the zpool named SauvegardeUSB, which seems to be no longer available?

To fix this issue, you will have to either bring the storage back online or remove it from the config. Please share your cat /etc/proxmox-backup/datastore.cfg

My storage.cfg :

root@pve# cat /etc/pve/storage.cfg
dir: local
    path /var/lib/vz
    content iso,vztmpl,backup

lvmthin: local-lvm
    thinpool data
    vgname pve
    content images,rootdir

dir: ISO
    path /tank/isos
    content vztmpl,iso
    prune-backups keep-all=1
    shared 0

dir: VM-Drives
    path /tank/vm-drives
    content rootdir,images
    prune-backups keep-all=1
    shared 0

dir: Backups
    path /tank/backups
    content backup,snippets
    prune-backups keep-all=1
    shared 1

pbs: sauvegarde
    datastore sauvegarde
    server localhost
    content backup
    fingerprint 8e:0c:06:53:7e:ad:02:3f:7b:b2:63:ba:64:91:0a:3f:c6:ee:53:6f:f4:5d:14:41:8b:e5:67:37:73:dc:f8:d1
    prune-backups keep-all=1
    username root@pam

zfspool: SauvegardeUSB
    pool SauvegardeUSB
    content rootdir,images
    mountpoint /SauvegardeUSB
    nodes pve

My datastore.cfg :

root@pve# cat /etc/proxmox-backup/datastore.cfg
datastore: sauvegarde
    gc-schedule daily
    path /sauvegarde
    prune-schedule daily

I attached journal.txt.

I retrieved the backup disk. How to do now ?




  • journal.txt
    229.7 KB · Views: 3
According to the logs, the Disk "SauvegardeUSB" is still failing:

Nov 09 11:15:48 pve pvestatd[2853]: could not activate storage 'SauvegardeUSB', zfs error: cannot import 'SauvegardeUSB': I/O error


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