Can't access Proxmox VE Login Portal through Fortigate SSL VPN web portal.


New Member
Dec 28, 2022
I have an FG 200D running a self signed cert from my domain CA. I have two user accounts that are allowed different access levels on the SSL vpn. The higher level user <uname> has access to tunnel and web components and the lower of the two <remoteuname> has access to the web component. 'uname' is not able to tunnel with an error -14 so I may have a VPN config issue but I am not convinced yet. The internet where I am staying could be blocking that traffic so I cant be sure. Both 'uname' and 'remoteuname' are able to access the ssh interface on the proxmox VE host as well as other ssh interfaces but the proxmox https login portal loads to a blank page.

I have tried changing vpn parameters and the firefox timeout change but I have had no success thus far.

The issue persists reboots, occurs on multiple browsers, and only occurs through the VPN. A port forward allows external access but for obvious reasons, I don't want to leave that open and going into my firewall interface to enable a port forward policy > making my change on PVE > going into firewall to disable the port forward policy is far from ideal.

Any assistance is appreciated.