can't access proxmox ssh or panel web


New Member
Jul 5, 2023

I was accessing through the proxmox administration panel normally, I have not made any configuration and today I can no longer access, neither through ssh nor through the web.

I don't know what happened

these are some of the commands I have reviewed
try to change the ip address, before it was now it is

Can you help me identify what the fault is?

Could you please post the output of ip link show? Have you updated the kernel recently?
- what is the purpose of the "iptables" line at the bottom of /etc/network/interfaces?
You have a private ip network, not a public ip.

- in the last screenshot your vmbr0 bridge is empty. There should be an ip address to access the PVE webgui.
- what is the purpose of the "iptables" line at the bottom of /etc/network/interfaces?
You have a private ip network, not a public ip.

- in the last screenshot your vmbr0 bridge is empty. There should be an ip address to access the PVE webgui.
do you recommend deleting the iptable?

How do I add ip address to access the PVE webgui?

do you recommend deleting the iptable?

How do I add ip address to access the PVE webgui?


- is this a home lab setup, or are you running Proxmox at an ISP/datacenter?

- To change the IP address you can simply edit and save the file # /etc/network/interfaces
Reboot the server afterwards, or do a # sudo systemctl restart networking
- is this a home lab setup, or are you running Proxmox at an ISP/datacenter?

- To change the IP address you can simply edit and save the file # /etc/network/interfaces
Reboot the server afterwards, or do a # sudo systemctl restart networking
1. I was accessing through cloudflare to the web panel.
2. what address should I put, I'm new at this, sorry.
"try to change the ip address, before it was now it is"

- What was the reason you changed the IP address?
- I think you locked yourself out because datacenters have firewall rules based on what they give you (
- Unclear how you made the screenshots if you cannot login anymore, were they taken at a datacenter on location?
But I have zero user experience with datacenter/hosting providers. I only have a simple home lab.
"try to change the ip address, before it was now it is"

- What was the reason you changed the IP address?
- I think you locked yourself out because datacenters have firewall rules based on what they give you (
- Unclear how you made the screenshots if you cannot login anymore, were they taken at a datacenter on location?
But I have zero user experience with datacenter/hosting providers. I only have a simple home lab.
I changed the ip address, because I thought it was probably being used by another computer and because I could not access neither through the web panel via the local ip nor via ssh.

yes, the pictures were taken directly from the physical server.

for now, I'm interested in accessing locally through the local ip to the web panel, then I'll figure out the rest.
If this is a physical server with local access, can you explain why you use a cloudflare tunnel ?
Where is the server located ?
access the server in two ways:
1. locally (within the same network on another pc, with the ip of proxmox on port 8006).
2. the cloudflare tunnel is used to remotely access the administration panel, for example from my home.

You will understand that now I can't access neither through the tunnel nor locally (in the same network) through a pc, because now it doesn't work either, I have to access physically to the server.

For now what I want is to be able to access locally to my proxmox administration panel, then I can solve the rest.

on the other hand when testing to if there is response so it is not a problem of internet.
Can you ping your PC from the PVE (temporarily disable any firewall on PC) ? Test from PC also.
Why do you have an iptables PREROUTING rule in /etc/network/interfaces ?
What does iptables --list show ?
Can you ping your PC from the PVE (temporarily disable any firewall on PC) ? Test from PC also.
Why do you have an iptables PREROUTING rule in /etc/network/interfaces ?
What does iptables --list show ?
1. I try to ping as you indicated but it doesn't work either way.
2. because I was using cloudlflare tunnel to access the proxmox administration panel.