Hi all,
I have proxmox installed on my hp elitedesk 800 g3 mini, I am using the GUI interface on my web browser on my raspberry pi, from memory its just running chromium. I can type symbols ( ~ ` ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) -_ = + etc) in the web browser and in the gui itself, however I cannot type symbols in the VMs themselves when I use the console to access them. Was wondering if anyone could help?
I have proxmox installed on my hp elitedesk 800 g3 mini, I am using the GUI interface on my web browser on my raspberry pi, from memory its just running chromium. I can type symbols ( ~ ` ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) -_ = + etc) in the web browser and in the gui itself, however I cannot type symbols in the VMs themselves when I use the console to access them. Was wondering if anyone could help?