I am typing this in case this ever happens to someone. I restarted the server for the first time since the install (over a week ago | standard network config). Couldn't connect to it, couldn't ping it and discovered the nic itself was down. Even if I up it
Discovered the nic itself was down for some or the other reason, 'ip link set eno1 up' gets the nic up but still nothing. ip a also reveals no ipv4?????, and hostname returns nothing. Changed the config, restarted. When I power on - the nic is initially up, but as soon as it boots the nic goes down.
Fast forward many hours -> I did a tutorial on file sharing a few days ago and in that there is an edit to /etc/network/if-up.d/fstab with a simple script to mount all, and execution permission to the file(THIS). I deleted the script BUT never changed the execution. Only once I did that, everything magically again?????
I would really like to know why?
Discovered the nic itself was down for some or the other reason, 'ip link set eno1 up' gets the nic up but still nothing. ip a also reveals no ipv4?????, and hostname returns nothing. Changed the config, restarted. When I power on - the nic is initially up, but as soon as it boots the nic goes down.
Fast forward many hours -> I did a tutorial on file sharing a few days ago and in that there is an edit to /etc/network/if-up.d/fstab with a simple script to mount all, and execution permission to the file(THIS). I deleted the script BUT never changed the execution. Only once I did that, everything magically again?????
I would really like to know why?