[SOLVED] Cannot access Node or VM shell after assigining SSL Certificates

Jul 22, 2021
Hi I am running web ui console at : https://202.xx.xxx.2:8006/

I have assigned a domin xyz.com to the web ui using nginx and certbot.

Now I am able to access the web console using Domain and with TLS certificates.

The problem is, I am not able to access the Node Shell, NoVNC of both PVE Node and VM Console through Web ui.

When I stop the nginx service then as usual I am able to access the Node shell via web UI.
As I restart the nginx then I cannot access the node shell in WebUI.

Note: When I try to access the Shell or NoVNC i am getting error as undefined code : 1006

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I have exactly the same problem:
novnc works in web gui locally 192.1.1.x:8006
when behind ssl and nginx https://mydomain.com novnc doesn't work (accessing gui etc is fine).

Any further thoughts on this?