Can not Run Windows 7


New Member
Jan 15, 2014

I need help, i installed proxmox 2.1 in my computer and i have installed Windows 7 Profesional . Before the Windows 7 activated from crack is normally but after Windows 7 cracked the Virtual Machine can not boot form Windows 7 ? What' wrong and please give the solution, thanks
The solution is to use a genuine installer. I was given by a customer a cracked version once ( they said by mistake ) to install it on a VM and it simply didn't work after the mangling.
Once I was given the proper installer, everything was fine..
Well. The hackers love to do some programs to crack other programs. But this programs always have some malware with give access on your computer to developer of the cracker.

That's why hackers have a lot of bots to do DDOS attacks!
The thing I really don't understand is:
- most (even cheap) PCs come with 7 oem, and 7 won't support too old hw, so private users should not have the need to get cracked copies.
- enterprise users could be tempted to virtualize a cracked <sic> 7 on a full FLOSS pve cluster (which his really an ugly combination imho), but how can their enterprise rely on a system like 7 changed to the point that it does not even install itself... i'll call that a cracked enterprise.... at least, guys, get a cracked hyper-v cluster and run it there... it could gain compatibility... oh and you'll need also cracked VDA licenses, probably...
