Can not get into the web interface from the outside


May 30, 2019
I have a question about the Proxmox Mail Gateway, when user received the spam notification email , user can choose white list / blacklist / deilver option , they can click the whitlist/blacklist botton then the web linking pops up to directly go to the email gateway web page , that works if I am in the same network( I mean the same email gateway subnet), but if I not in the same subnet , the web linking doesn't work. I did try to open port 8006 to do the port forwarding to the email gate way but stil doean't work. Please see the following picture and give me some ideas how it works when I am from outside, not the same subnet.

Please use the web interface to manage your spam quarantine.
Powered by Proxmox
Thank you dcsapak,

I have already tried to forward the default port 8006 to my email gateway, but still doesn't work if I connect from the outside.

Have any ideas?

Please see the attachment picture.

Thank you.


  • error1.jpg
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Finally I got the problem solved , the problem was my firewall, I change another firewall and it works! Thanks Proxmox Staff dcsapak .

Have a nice day!