Can i do This?


May 9, 2020
Well At First i'm Noob so that's why i'm asking experts.

my server is from Hetzner runing with proxmox i would like to make some VMS without buy public ip

currently i bought up 50 ips which cost me a lot of money

so i found program called " NO-IP " Which will make me able to connect to my " RDP " Without a IP just dynamic IP Address
here link for more info

so my problem here. how can at first make VM on proxmox and this vm Have network
then i will install no-ip to be able to connect, is there way to make this vm run on private network?

i need steps if i can do this?
If you want to use only one public IP you might also want to use a reverse proxy or you will need to to change ports (for example if you only got 1 IP but want two different Webserver-VMs and both should use port 80/443 so people can access is easily).

And I don't really see the benefit of using a DynDNS provider like NO-IP. They won't give IPs, they only give you a subdomain so you can access your server if it changes its IP. If the server is on Hetzner it should have a static IP that won't change so a DynDNS isn't needed.
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If you want to use only one public IP you might also want to use a reverse proxy or you will need to to change ports (for example if you only got 1 IP but want two different Webserver-VMs and both should use port 80/443 so people can access is easily).

And I don't really see the benefit of using a DynDNS provider like NO-IP. They won't give IPs, they only give you a subdomain so you can access your server if it changes its IP. If the server is on Hetzner it should have a static IP that won't change so a DynDNS isn't needed.
well i guess i will use port method seems good

but before go ahead. i can make any ports number right? like 7 - 10 ports as i want

is there risks? can a user reach another user data . etc?

Thanks for your answer
Its Year 2021, and we have IPv6 now ...
well i'm stuck at 2003?
i don't even know what is ipv6 really mean. i'm not expert still learning

can you tell me at simple way what is it and how it can help me at this case?

Thanks !
okay no need i just googled it and i have understand

but can you tell me please how this will help me here with proxmox
to make more then 3-5 vms run on 1 or 2 ips
With IPv6 you don't get a single IP like with IPv4 but you get a complete IP-Range. So you can use thousands of IPv6 IPs si each VM could have its own IP. You really should learn the basics first. Hosting webservers with it is quite dangerous.