Can I add performance to a multi-server instance?


New Member
May 23, 2023
I don't know if I'm writing in the correct category, but I was thinking.
Is it possible to make, for example, one server have 4 cores, and the other has 8, then one has 32GB and the other has 64. Is it possible to somehow take the performance of these 2 servers and combine them into one instance? Thank you for the information
for example, one server have 4 cores, and the other has 8, then one has 32GB and the other has 64. Is it possible to somehow take the performance of these 2 servers and combine them into one instance?
Not with proxmox. what you're asking after is called Aggregation Virtualization. There was a product called scalemp that facilitated this but no idea what happened to them ( looks like a squatter.)