There are few spam emails that passes the spam filter every time, so I'm trying to block them based on the subjects.
For example, I tried putting in the exact subject line
Ran it through the test string and it worked fine.
But then still receiving the same spam.
For example, I tried putting in the exact subject line
Mole & Skin Tag Remover That Naturally Eliminates In 8 Hours Biggest Deal In History
Ran it through the test string and it worked fine.
But then still receiving the same spam.
Apr 12 19:50:42 e1-na postfix/cleanup[29786]: 757593C9CC: info: header From: "Skincell 2 (skin tag)" <> from unknown[]; from=<> to=<> proto=ESMTP helo=<>
Apr 12 19:50:42 e1-na postfix/cleanup[29786]: 757593C9CC: info: header To: <> from unknown[]; from=<> to=<> proto=ESMTP helo=<>
Apr 12 19:50:42 e1-na postfix/cleanup[29786]: 757593C9CC: info: header Subject: Mole & Skin Tag Remover That Naturally Eliminates In 8 Hours Biggest Deal In History from unknown[]; from=<> to=<> proto=ESMTP helo=<>
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