Can’t create CephFS


New Member
Jun 27, 2023
New novice user trying to use Proxmox. This software is very unpleasant.
could this possibly be any more over complicated and unfriendly?

creating data pool 'cephfs_data'...
pool cephfs_data: applying application = cephfs
pool cephfs_data: applying pg_num = 128
creating metadata pool 'cephfs_metadata'...
pool cephfs_metadata: applying pg_num = 32
configuring new CephFS 'cephfs'
Successfully create CephFS 'cephfs'
Adding 'cephfs' to storage configuration...
Waiting for an MDS to become active
Waiting for an MDS to become active
Waiting for an MDS to become active
Waiting for an MDS to become active
Waiting for an MDS to become active
Waiting for an MDS to become active
Waiting for an MDS to become active
Waiting for an MDS to become active
Waiting for an MDS to become active
Waiting for an MDS to become active
TASK ERROR: Need MDS to add storage, but none got active!

its a brand new install for gods sake. Shouldn’t this stuff be working by default?


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And now I can’t even delete this CephFS garbage because it says it’s all in use

This is absolutely hideous
It’s holding my entire installation hostage

every aspect of it won’t delete, ranging from a nonsensical timeout error to complaining about being in use. I think I’m just gonna wipe out my entire Proxmox at this point, I am so sick of dealing with what have been a 2 second task

i would never buy Proxmox and I was considering it - nothing works properly


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It seems like you are trying to create a Ceph 'cluster' with one node which is kinda pointless since Ceph is a clustered file storage. You need to have at least 3 nodes for a properly working Ceph cluster, which is why you are running into those issues.
I got the same issue, no idea why.

There is an older thread with same error printed on Proxmox 6 ( but not what solved my issue. I did not really, just found a workaround. Create cephfs but do not enable add storage

Examples on mounting cephfs via kernel driver:

Tried using those for /etc/fstab, however setting the secretfile option did not work in my case (file: /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring).

Instead, omitting extra parameters as stated in the documentation lets automatic retrieval of them and allowed me to mount freshly created cephfs to a directory, which can then be added as shared storage from Datacenter > Storage > Add > Directory (enable shared). Of course modified all /etc/fstab files on each node. Mind that addresses are IPv6 in the format 45Drives provides.

[fd0c:b219:7c00:2781::1],[fd0c:b219:7c00:2781::2],[fd0c:b219:7c00:2781::3]:/    /mnt/backupfs ceph    name=admin,secretfile=/etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring,noatime,_netdev     0 0

This is the only page that comes up for me when searched for "TASK ERROR: Need MDS to add storage, but none got active!".

Edit: I am a fool, this setup does not survive a reboot. I can run
mount -a
to manually mount after the fact ceph started. Well, I guess injecting a systemd service is not going to work either. Time to redo test cluster.
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