Bypassing the default Postfix config..


New Member
Oct 2, 2023
Hi all,

We are getting out of testing phase at my company and are planning to deploy the mail gateway with a full license.

One of the issues I have is that the Postfix sendmail compatibility program (sendmail) will not accept a command line switch to send directly to an MX ip while bipassing the Proxmox ecosystem.

For instance, if I was using generic sendmail I could issue this to the command line : sendmail smtp=""

That command will bypass the mail server on the machine in question and send the mail directly. I need this for some custome programming we use. The mails have to be sent from outside the main postfix (and proxmox) ecosystem.

I've tried a custom config file with alter-nate_config_directories = /etc/postfix/private_relay/

But the mails still show going through the proxmox ecosystem.

So how do I bypass this behavior?? I have legacy programming which needs to send e-mail directly to a particular MX so even if Proxmox is down, or postfix is down, we still get the emails.
